Before we begin with our API package, it’s important to understand the data flow of the application.
The database is seperated by the following labels:
Spectra Labels |
Spectra Types |
spectrum_handle |
string |
spectrum_display_name |
string |
spexodisks_handle |
string |
spectrum_set_type |
string |
spectrum_observation_date |
datetime |
spectrum_pi |
string |
spectrum_reference |
string |
spectrum_downloadable |
bool |
spectrum_data_reduction_by |
string |
spectrum_aor_key |
int |
spectrum_flux_is_calibrated |
bool |
spectrum_ref_frame |
string |
spectrum_min_wavelength_um |
double |
spectrum_max_wavelength_um |
double |
spectrum_resolution_um |
double |
spectrum_output_filename |
string |
Curated Labels |
Curated Types |
spexodisks_handle |
string |
pop_name |
string |
preferred_simbad_name |
string |
simbad_link |
string |
ra_dec |
string |
ra |
string |
dec |
string |
esa_sky |
string |
has_spectra |
bool |
f0point88mm_value |
float |
f0point88mm_err_low |
float |
f0point88mm_err_high |
float |
f0point88mm_ref |
string |
f1point3mm_value |
float |
f1point3mm_err_low |
float |
f1point3mm_err_high |
float |
f1point3mm_ref |
string |
dec_epochj2000_value |
float |
dec_epochj2000_err_low |
float |
dec_epochj2000_err_high |
float |
dec_epochj2000_ref |
string |
dist_value |
float |
dist_err_low |
float |
dist_err_high |
float |
dist_ref |
string |
l_star_value |
float |
l_star_err_low |
float |
l_star_err_high |
float |
l_star_ref |
string |
logl_acc_value |
float |
logl_acc_err_low |
float |
logl_acc_err_high |
float |
logl_acc_ref |
string |
logm_acc_value |
float |
logm_acc_err_low |
float |
logm_acc_err_high |
float |
logm_acc_ref |
string |
m_star_value |
float |
m_star_err_low |
float |
m_star_err_high |
float |
m_star_ref |
string |
ra_epochj2000_value |
float |
ra_epochj2000_err_low |
float |
ra_epochj2000_err_high |
float |
ra_epochj2000_ref |
string |
radial_velocity_value |
float |
radial_velocity_err_low |
float |
radial_velocity_err_high |
float |
radial_velocity_ref |
string |
spt_value |
float |
spt_err_low |
float |
spt_err_high |
float |
spt_ref |
string |
teff_value |
float |
teff_err_low |
float |
teff_err_high |
float |
teff_ref |
string |
is_jwst_target_value |
float |
is_jwst_target_err_low |
float |
is_jwst_target_err_high |
float |
is_jwst_target_ref |
string |
is_dsharp_target_value |
float |
is_dsharp_target_err_low |
float |
is_dsharp_target_err_high |
float |
is_dsharp_target_ref |
string |
Object Name Aliases Labels |
Object Name Aliases Types |
alias |
string |
spexodisks_handle |
string |
Available Isotopologues Labels |
Available Isotopologues Types |
name |
string |
label |
string |
molecule |
string |
mol_label |
string |
color |
string |
dash |
string |
min_wavelength_um |
float |
max_wavelength_um |
float |
total_lines |
int |
Avaiable Parameters and Units Labels |
Parameters and Units Types |
param_handle |
int |
order_index |
string |
units |
string |
short_label |
string |
plot_axis_label |
string |
for_display |
bool |
decimals |
bool |
Isotopologues Labels |
Isotopologues Types |
index_co |
int |
wavelength_um |
float |
isotopologue |
string |
upper_level |
string |
lower_level |
string |
transition |
string |
einstein_a |
float |
upper_level_energy |
float |
lower_level_energy |
float |
g_statistical_weight_upper_level |
float |
g_statistical_weight_lower_level |
float |
upper_vibrational |
int |
upper_rotational |
int |
branch |
string |
lower_vibrational |
int |
lower_rotational |
int |
Spectrum Handle Labels |
Spectrum Handle Types |
wavelength_um |
double |
flux |
float |
flux_error |
float |
The following diagram shows the data flow of the application to have a better understanding of the database structure and how to properly look up the data.